Integrated land record management system, Assam Land Record App,Bhu-naksha- Digitisation of maps,Management Information System(MIS),E-safar,ilrms assam, Dharitree, land record Assam online portal, assam land records manual, Revenue, Government of Assam, mutation, conversion,partition, patta, annual patta, periodic patta, registration, jamabandi certificate download assam, dag number, objection certificate noc for transfer)
Table of Contents
What is Integrated Land Record Management System (ILRMS Assam)-DHARITREE (ধৰিত্ৰী):
The preservation of precise land records is crucial to proper land management. The Land Revenue Department, Government of Assam has been functional since 1874. However, the department came to be renamed in the year 2007 as the Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Government of Assam. It continued to offer services related to land survey and measurement, maintenance of land records, forest and agriculture, animal husbandry, irrigation, fisheries, industry and labour, migration and so on. The conventional documentation system prevailing in the past has proved itself to be ineffective and it has been plagued by opaqueness, sporadic maintenance or negligence, fraud and intimidation of the general public. Hence to resolve this concern, the Government of Assam has raised the initiative of digitizing the entire land management system with appropriate inter-relationship between authorities such as the Directorate of Land Records, the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, the Revenue Circle and the Sub-Registrar. The Integrated Land Record Management System, (ILRMS, Assam) also known as Dharitree is an umbrella portal to cater to the citizens’ land management needs. It is a government run portal which intends to preserve land records digitally and offer transparent property related assistance to citizens and promote better land governance. It is a significant step taken by Government of Assam to resolve the preceding issues of incommodious and time consuming procedures resulting into disputes and corruption. It covers areas like mutation, partition, conversion, reclassification of land.
COMPONENTS of Integrated Land Record Management System (ILRMS):
ILRMS Assam through its web- portal has laid down the following important components:
- Online generated NOC issued for the purpose of transfer of tangible property as provided under Section 21A of the Land Registration Act
- An online window under Integrated Land Record Management System, which provides for services related to land ownership and updation of land records. It is a major step towards digitization of land records and instant accessibility of vital land related information.
- E-Panjiyan which is an online window for registration of property. For details click here:, , ,
- Online collection of land revenue. Click here for details:
- Bhu-naksha- Digitisation of maps: Having access to maps that depict actual ground conditions is a crucial component of land records management. By using a software program named Bhu-naksha to digitize roughly 26000 village maps with the aid of ASTEC and integrate them with Dharitry, significant progress has been made in this field. However, Bhu-naksha is proving to be an excellent instrument in the hands of land records workers for updating the land records and resolving the instances of mismatch between the textual data and maps. There are still roughly 2500 villages that are either unsurveyed or for which map sheets are not available. Please click on the link below to see how a Bhu-naksha is created:
- Management Information System(MIS): As a comprehensive tool to centralize all pertinent information and standardize the reporting process, the management information system (MIS) for the administration of revenues has been developed. Among the many modules, the one on Summary of Revenue Villages, is quite noteworthy and may be the first of its like in the entire nation. This is a one-stop resource for all the pertinent details on each of the state’s revenue villages. All modules must be updated on a regular basis by Deputy Commissioners, Subdivisional Officers, Circle Officers, and Sub-registrars, who must also provide online certifications by the seventh of the month attesting to the completion of the relevant updates.
- E-safar: The web-based system called e-Safar records and keeps track of the departmental functionaries’ tours and inspections. In accordance with the Assam Land Records Manual, Circle Officers, Supervisory Kanungoes, and Lot Mandals are required to visit the villages in all three seasons in order to modify the basic land record known as the Chitha and to inform the locals of the current state of their land holdings. Please click on the link below for detail use of E-Safar portal:
JAMABANDI (জমাবন্দী)- It is a document related to land rights. It is also known as Record of Rights (ROR). It contains information like name of district, name of sub-division, name of circle, name of Mouza (মৌজা), Lot Number (লট নম্বৰ), name of village, patta (পট্টা) number, land owner’s personal information like name, father’s name, amount of land in acquisition agricultural as well as non-agricultural, revenue generated, tax incurred and remarks. An example of online generated Jamabandi copy is shown below:

A citizen can receive the above copy online by visiting the official website and by filling up the details asked for. Please click on the following link for online Jamabandi copy:
How to apply for certified copy of Jamabandi (RoR)/Chitha through Sewa Setu portal:
- If the applicant is a first time user, he/she needs to click the ‘Register’ tab in the portal and get registered by providing the necessary information such as Full Name, Mobile No., Email id (which is not mandatory), State and Password.
- After successful registration, the applicant has to log in to the portal by clicking on the ‘Log In’ tab.
- A pop up saying ‘Apply Online’ will show up with all included services. The applicant has to click on the appropriate service needed and click ‘Apply’.
- Applicant has to fill up the form and upload the required supporting documents as mentioned in the site. Applicant has to be an existing pattadar.
- An applicant has to make the payment at the time of submission of application form. Once payment is successful, application is being forwarded to the officials for further processes and an acknowledgement slip is being generated along with a reference number with the help of which an applicant can track the status of the application. An SMS and Email is being sent to the applicant.
- An applicant can view and track the status of the application by clicking the Track button and entering the applicant’s application reference no.
- In case, if there are any discrepancies or mismatch found in the online application, official will make a query for the same to which the applicant needs to respond and makes the necessary corrections in the online application or has to apply through a fresh online application. The applicant will be notified about this over SMS and Email id by the concerned official.
- If no corrections is needed or no fallacies are found, the concerned official notifies the applicant over SMS and Email within 5 days of application submission, that the Certificate Copy of Jamabandi (RoR)/Chitha is generated and the applicant can download the certificate from the ARTPS/Sewa Setu Portal.
- Applicants are not required to visit the service delivery offices and get in touch with concerned authorities except in cases where inspection/site visit/physical visit of applicant/hearing is mandated by extant acts and rules.
Requirements for application of Certificate Copy of Jamabandi (RoR)/Chitha:
To apply for Certificate Copy of Jamabandi (RoR)/Chitha the applicant has to have the following requirements:
- The applicant must furnish up-to-date Land Revenue receipt / Land Revenue clearance receipt in respect of the land applied for.
- Any other Land related document.
- Rs. 20/- will be charged as Application Fees (Mode of Payment will be Online).
- Convenience fee- Rs. 10/-
- Service charge (through PFC/CSC) – Rs. 30.
- Printing charge (in case of any printing from PFC/CSC) – Rs. 10 per page.
- Scanning charge (in case documents are scanned in PFC/CSC) – Rs. 5 per page.
DAG NUMBER (ডাগ নম্বৰ): It is a number allotted to a particular plot of land after the completion of land survey by the government land revenue services department. It is also a sort of identification mark and with the help of this number it is easier to find out the land records of the concerned individual. It is necessary for generating online Jamabandi (জমাবন্দী) copy but however, one can also generate the same by entering the Patta number or Pattadar Name:

- PATTA NUMBER (পট্টা নম্বৰ): Patta, also known as land deed is a land ownership record document which shows the legal ownership of an individual over his property. Patta number is the specific number allotted to the ownership document. This number is required for applying for various land related services in Assam such as transfer of property, Jamabandi etc.
- PATTADAR (পট্টাদাৰ): The people who have their land ownership certificate generated in their name are referred to as Pattadars. Their names are registered under the Government land records and they are liable to pay revenue against their land holding.
Who are the NOC applicants?
Those owners of land or pattadars (পট্টাদাৰ) who have their names registered in the log book or ‘Chitha’ can apply for NOC.
How can a pattadar apply for NOC?

Application for NOC can be submitted in online mode via Integrated Land Record Management System portal by filling up the online application form, seller form, land details form, buyer form, uploading scanned documents, followed by payment of application fees, receiving the application number and printing of receipt. However an applicant can also keep a track of his application status by simply entering his application number.
What are the documents required to be uploaded while applying for NOC?
Court fee receipt, passport size photograph of buyer and seller, declaration of consideration, latest revenue receipt, citizenship identity proof of buyer/seller such as copy of voters’ list or passport, land patta (if available), affidavit of buyer and seller or power of attorney holder, photo identity proof of buyer and seller, a copy of the power of attorney in case if the seller is attorney, affidavit in favour of power of attorney holder, authority/NOC in case of co-partner in case of flat, NOC from co-pattadar, GMC/GMDA/Municipality/ Town Committee Receipt/occupancy certificate in case of flat, PAN card.
What is the fee for applying NOC?
For Same Class transfer of NOC:
Rural area – Rs 500/-
Urban area – Rs 1000/-
Within Guwahati – Rs 2500/-
For Reclassification of NOC:
Upto 3 bigha – Rs 2000/-
Upto 10 bigha – Rs 2000/- + per bigha increase of Rs 50/- above 3 bigha
Upto 50 bigha – Rs 2000/- + per bigha increase of Rs 50/- upto 10 bigha + per bigha increase of Rs 100 above 10 bigha
Above 50 bigha – – Rs 2000/- + per bigha increase of Rs 50/- upto 10 bigha + per bigha increase of Rs 100 upto 50 bigha + per bigha increase of Rs 150 above 50 bigha
What is Dharitree (ধৰিত্ৰী) Assam?
Dharitree Assam is a web portal for management of land records in Assam under the Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Government of Assam. It is also known as Integrated Land Record Management System, ILRMS. Dharitree is also available as an application which can be downloaded from Google Play Store.
Click on the link below to download:
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